Identifying buses from France

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Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 27 Fév 2022 11:58

Hello all,

I've been trying to figure out the previous owners of some used buses which I've seen on various online platforms. As they are likely from France, I'm hoping someone in this forum might be able to help :D

From the first company, I've seen several different buses, but the name was always censored or missing, it was so infuriating that I almost thought someone was playing games with me... :nrv:

Here are a few pictures of the several slightly different liveries: ... 0xFDrPaMIv

The second company is only represented by one Récréo which I've recently stumbled across, also has quite an interesting livery so I'd like to know more about it: ... sp=sharing

If you know either of these companies, please let me know :)
Tobi aka German Perfectionist
German Perfectionist
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Messages: 7
Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar Olivier » 27 Fév 2022 18:27


German Perfectionist Wrote:Here are a few pictures of the several slightly different liveries: ... 0xFDrPaMIv

Autocars Schoonaert

German Perfectionist Wrote:The second company is only represented by one Récréo which I've recently stumbled across, also has quite an interesting livery so I'd like to know more about it: ... sp=sharing

Voyages Rubio Frères
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Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 27 Fév 2022 20:22

Thank you so much / Merci beaucoup! :bravo:
German Perfectionist
Rang : Passéoz 1 heure
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Messages: 7
Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 06 Mar 2022 12:19

Hi again,
since it worked so well last time, here's another two buses/companies to identify :)

Number 1: ... sp=sharing

Number 2: ... sp=sharing

Let's see if these two can be solved as well...
Tobi aka German Perfectionist
German Perfectionist
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Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar Lyon-St-Clair » 06 Mar 2022 13:39


Number 1 is from Grindler Autocars, company based near Grenoble.

A brother of him : ... indler-01/
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Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 06 Mar 2022 13:41

Ahh thank you!
German Perfectionist
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Messages: 7
Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar BUS TPG » 06 Mar 2022 14:08

German Perfectionist Wrote:Hi again,
since it worked so well last time, here's another two buses/companies to identify :)

Number 2: ... sp=sharing

Let's see if these two can be solved as well...
Tobi aka German Perfectionist

The number 2 is an old bus from Imbert (05 - Hautes Alpes)
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Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 07 Mar 2022 16:08

You guys are amazing, thank you :)
German Perfectionist
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Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 19 Mar 2023 10:38

Hello all,
I went on a trip to Romania in January, so I have some new former French buses where I could need your help to identify the previous owners. The first batch of photos is from the first town we visited, Oradea.

This one would be particularly interesting:

This one is obviously ex Transisère, however maybe one of you can identify the exact company? Also, am I right in thinking that this is an Iliade TE?

This Iliade RTX was an easy one, the previous owner was still legible on the back, Cars Grille from Serres-Castet. Maybe any of you know the original license plate?

Thanks in advance!
Tobi aka German Perfectionist
German Perfectionist
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Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar Lyon-St-Clair » 19 Mar 2023 10:52

The Transisère one may be an old one from VFD?
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Re: Identifying buses from France

Messagepar German Perfectionist » 20 Mar 2023 17:38

Coule be, yes... The Irisbus Ares I've actually found out myself (by sheer luck), it's ex Taquet Voyages :)
German Perfectionist
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Rang : Passéoz 1 heure
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Inscription: 27 Fév 2022 11:42

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